Attractive houses: quick purchases

May 9, 2023

“The beautiful and the good are expensive,” says a proverb. And we agree that we all seek to find the exact point between the famous quality-price ratio when purchasing any good.

But in the case of buying-selling a home, what aspects must we consider in order to be successful? This time I will speak as a seller.

If a house has been on the market for a long time, it is a sign that something is wrong, maybe we are not making potential buyers fall in love (with the same property). Hey salesman, you need to hit the bull’s-eye!

Danielle Hale, chief economist at, said, “In a market where costs are still high and components can be a little more selective, it makes sense that they would really focus on the houses that are more attractive.” And that’s the target: Attractive homes!

You need to be careful where you’re going to spend your time and money, and the first piece of advice I’ll give you is to hire a trusted real estate agent who can help you understand what improvements are essential in your local market.

One way to identify really significant improvements to your property, although they may not represent a significant increase in price, but will ensure a good return on your investment, is to work on small, do-it-yourself upgrades.

The famous investment education website Investopedia advised the following: “Exterior attractive renovations make the property look good as soon as prospective buyers arrive. While these improvements may not add a substantial amount of monetary value, they will help your home sell faster, and you can do much of the work yourself to save time and money.”

Small cosmetic remodels, like updating your paint or power washing the exterior of your home, create a great first impression on potential buyers and help your property stand out. Also, prioritize aspects that will help you sell faster or for more money, over things that will appeal to you as a homeowner. Watch out for this! Remember that the objective is to sell!

The NAR’s 2022 Remodel Impact Report highlights the most popular property improvements:

Work with highly trained professionals in real estate. At Team K Miami we are ready to give you the best advice, so you can sell and buy the property of your dreams. You want to sell your property in record time, our first piece of advice is: Attractive houses: fast purchases. Remember that in order to win you have to invest first!

Invest in the best – Team K Miami!
